quarta-feira, outubro 22, 2008
Cristo carregando a cruz
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Cristo carregando a cruz
Inspiração: Hieronymus Bosch

Paulo Ribeiro
posted by @ 10:06 da manhã  
  • At 22 de outubro de 2008 às 13:36, Blogger cbs said…

    Bem inspirado Paulo

    Há uma obra dele muito adequada pr'aqui (eu incluído)
    La Nef des Fous. tá no Louvre.

  • At 22 de outubro de 2008 às 15:59, Blogger Vítor Mácula said…

    Being set on the idea of getting to Atlantis

    You have discovered that the ship of fools

    is making the voyage

    And now you're going to have to learn how

    to behave in a certain

    You're gonna have to learn how

    to behave like one of the boys

    With hard liquor

    and noise

    Yes hard liquor

    and noise

    And the liquor and the noise

    And the boys

    And the ship

    And the fools

    And the trip

    And the island

    And the storm

    And the wind

    And the sails

    And the sea

    And the liquor

    And the noise

    And the gail

    You gotta force yourself

    You gotta make something out of nothing

    And now you are”

    (Steven Brown, chantant le sang dans la nuit, la nuit froide, avec la faute et l’ oubli, and the moon with the tuxedo)

  • At 22 de outubro de 2008 às 16:02, Blogger cbs said…


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