segunda-feira, fevereiro 04, 2008
Se este blog não servisse para mais nada,
dar-me-ia por extremamente satisfeito se tivesse servido para isto apenas:

"I grew up in a tradition that believes Catholics are pagans," said Roberts, who was raised Southern Baptist and serves as a pastor in a Baptist church. "I never really understood that. Now I'd argue against that wholeheartedly."

posted by @ 10:29 da tarde  
  • At 4 de fevereiro de 2008 às 23:01, Blogger cbs said…

    Nem eu nunca pensei vir a ler isto :)
    "the restoration of the church will surely come only from a new kind of monasticism which will have nothing in common with the old but a life of uncompromising adherence to the Sermon on the Mount in imitation of Christ."
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Este blog, entre outras coisas, tem-me servido a mim para provar que o diálogo e a amizade, se não soluciona a diferença, no mínimo torna-a simpática... sempre acreditei na força evagelizadora da simpatia, lol

  • At 6 de fevereiro de 2008 às 00:13, Blogger Pedro Leal said…

    Bom, já que estamos numa maré de citações a minha escolha é esta:
    "She fears that New Monastics' contemplative prayer is no different from Eastern meditation, and their openness to Roman Catholicism is only the beginning: "where it's going is an interspiritual, interfaith, one-world religion, where it all blends together."

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